Sunday, August 18, 2019

I Missed you Mama

Dear Mama & Papa

I have had a whole lot of fun with Granny and Grandpa and especially with cousin Parker, but I am so happy to be home.  By now you have probably arrived and I covered you with lots of kisses and doggie slobber.  It was fun to go to "summer Camp", but there's is no place like home.  Granny told me that I'm coming back in two weeks...…..Hmmmmm   Ok., I think we can have some more fun!

I love you,

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hangin with Parker

Hello Mama; Hello Papa,

I think I’m getting these two yahoos trained.  Yesterday I only got one tiny little walk in, but today Granny took me waaaaaay up the hill and all around.  I needed a good nap after that.  It was the kind of walk you take me on, Mama, but Granny didn’t find any treasures like you do on our walks. She says we'll just have to keep looking.
Granny also says my bangs need trimming, but she will wait for you to do that Mama. I think they are just perfect. What does she know anyway? silly Granny.

Parker is here and he gives me lots of attention.  At first, I would give him my scary growl, but now I just hop up on his lap, and we hang together. I slept with him last night. He’s not a bad guy…..for a human.

I miss you and can’t wait for you to come home!

Big love and sloppy kisses from your favorite doggie,


Friday, August 16, 2019

Lazing with Granny

Dear Mama and Papa ( but especially mama, cuz I miss you the most)

Granny Nanny is okay. So is Grandpa Norm. They sorta let me call the shots and you know that I like to be in charge.  Right now Granny is spoiling me in the hammock. We are going to take a nap.  I guess she is tired from her kayaking this morning.  While she was gone I helped Gramps in the basement. I like the basement. I can run and run....but if I bark gramma gets grumpy , Granny says        “No more barks!”  She filled a squirt bottle and showed it to me.  I think Granny means business.  I will be.....

Your loving and very quiet dog,