Friday, September 13, 2019

I Stand Watch

Dear Mama and Papa,
I have been a very good doggie while you were on vacation. I have not bitten anyone, but I did get carried away playing with Granny and give her a pretty good scratch.  She said it was okay though. I agreed with her. After all, she the one who got me all excited up!

Granny told me that she feels safe with me here because I keep such a good watch out for all things scary.  I watch to my right. I watch to me left. If anyone comes to the door I let Granny, and all the neighborhood, know. I am proud to say that I have a very BIG dog bark.

Plus, I have been doing a wonderful job of keeping all the squirrels out of the yard.  When they try to come in I run and run and run and they run faster!
It is great fun!  I am enjoying my time with Granny an G'Papa, but oi sure do miss you. Granny told me you will be home tomorrow.  Hurry home, Mama!  Hurry home, Papa

Granny Called Me a Perv!

I am mad at Granny right now.  Just because I always want to accompany her to the bathroom she called me a bad name this morning.  Mama, Granny called my her "Little Pet Perv".  I don't know what that means, but something tells me it is not a good thing.  Hurry home mama. I miss you!  You don't call me mean names.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

It's Dark in the Cave!

Dear Mama & Papa

I don't know about these two yay-hoos you left me with.Yesterday the locked me in my cave and left me for four hours! They even went OUT OF STATE. Now I don't know who this "Geraldine" is, or if she's a human, or another dog, but let me tell you I do not like being in the dark all day in my cave.
Granny promised me she wouldn't leave me so long again, but - get this - They did it again today!  Well, I guess this wasn't quite as long. They went to something called "a movie," whatever that is, and they didn't take me!.

I guess she must have felt guilty though, cuz Granny took me out on a second walk when they came back.  Yep, I'm getting her trained.

I love and miss you both,