Sunday, September 8, 2019

It's Dark in the Cave!

Dear Mama & Papa

I don't know about these two yay-hoos you left me with.Yesterday the locked me in my cave and left me for four hours! They even went OUT OF STATE. Now I don't know who this "Geraldine" is, or if she's a human, or another dog, but let me tell you I do not like being in the dark all day in my cave.
Granny promised me she wouldn't leave me so long again, but - get this - They did it again today!  Well, I guess this wasn't quite as long. They went to something called "a movie," whatever that is, and they didn't take me!.

I guess she must have felt guilty though, cuz Granny took me out on a second walk when they came back.  Yep, I'm getting her trained.

I love and miss you both,

1 comment:

  1. Have fun at Granny Nanny and Grandpa Norm Camp Earl. We miss you too. Every time Joe stopped to make sure I was fine, I looked for you! It was a tough day for me too, I had a ton of hills and lots of wind. The tear drop we sleep in, does not have enough room for you,, plus you'd be bored. You are having more fun where you are! Love you and miss you. Give those great camp helpers lots of love.
